magdzia s: jump
magdzia s: 23/52
magdzia s: 22/52 - on the way to London
magdzia s: 21/52 - relax
magdzia s: 20/52 - stupid facial expression :-P
magdzia s: 19/52 - Good Morning
magdzia s: 18/52
magdzia s: 16/52
magdzia s: 15/52 deep thought glamour look- in a pensive mood
magdzia s: 14/52...
magdzia s: 13/52 - curly look
magdzia s: 12/52 - hand
magdzia s: 11/52 - new hair-style
magdzia s: 10/52 - waiting...
magdzia s: 9/52 self portrait - wet paint
magdzia s: negative me...
magdzia s: 8/52 - just a contour
magdzia s: 7/52 on the phone (skype)
magdzia s: right, lets do this!
magdzia s: flu. I hate being sick!
magdzia s: 6/52 getting ready for a party!
magdzia s: 5/52
magdzia s: 4/52 getting ready for Christmas...
magdzia s: tomorrow (thursday) last exam... in this year...
magdzia s: 3/52 thinking....
magdzia s: winter socks
magdzia s: 2/52 - in my pyjamas, very sleepy..
magdzia s: 1/52 Nearly ready for work...