Magda with the T3: Hosta Flowers, 2020
Magda with the T3: Knapweeds, 2020
Magda with the T3: Floof, 2022
Magda with the T3: Hazey Peaks, 2022
Magda with the T3: Reedgrass, 2022
Magda with the T3: Golden Rod Flowers, 2020
Magda with the T3: Reedgrass, 2022
Magda with the T3: Sheppard's Bush Conservation Area, 2020
Magda with the T3: British Columbia Skies, 2022
Magda with the T3: Aster Flowers, 2020
Magda with the T3: Aurora, 2020 (2)
Magda with the T3: Fairy Lake, 2020
Magda with the T3: Nokiidaa Trail, 2020
Magda with the T3: Hosta Flowers, 2020
Magda with the T3: Sunrise, 02-15-2022
Magda with the T3: Nokiidaa Trail, 2020
Magda with the T3: British Columbia Skies, 2022
Magda with the T3: Blue Spruce, 2022
Magda with the T3: Thistle 2021
Magda with the T3: Sheppard's Bush Conservation Area, 2020
Magda with the T3: Autumn, 2020-09-20
Magda with the T3: Knapweeds, 2020
Magda with the T3: Autumn, 2020-09-20
Magda with the T3: Knapweeds, 2020
Magda with the T3: Autumn, 2020-09-20
Magda with the T3: Sheppard's Bush Conservation Area, 2020
Magda with the T3: Thistle 2021
Magda with the T3: Leaves in the Fall, 2021
Magda with the T3: Bumblebee, 2020
Magda with the T3: Newmarket, 2020