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The Foyer of Boston's Public Library
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View of the courtyard, Boston Public Library
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Lions on the main staircase, Boston Public Library
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Bates Hall, the domed reading room at the Boston Public Library
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The domed reading room at the Boston Public Library
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The domed reading room at the Boston Public Library
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Busts, domed reading room at the Boston Public Library
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Detail, domed reading room at the Boston Public Library
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Arthurian legends in mural around the book request room, Boston Public Library
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Arthurian legends in mural around the book request room, Boston Public Library
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Arthurian legends in mural around the book request room, Boston Public Library
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Arthurian legends in mural around the book request room, Boston Public Library
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Arthurian legends in mural around the book request room, Boston Public Library
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Arthurian legends in mural around the book request room, Boston Public Library
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The old and the new...
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The domed reading room of the Boston Public Library
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Clock in the domed reading room of the Boston Public Library
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The domed reading room of the Boston Public Library
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Detail of light sconce, book request room, Boston Public Library
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Staircase murals, Boston Public Library
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Murals line the main staircase, The Boston Public Library
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Mural on the ceiling in the Boston Public Library