Magda'70: an apple
Magda'70: sleepyhead
Magda'70: sleeping beauty, mmmmmrau
Magda'70: Leo the cat ;-)
Magda'70: sparrow
Magda'70: gift from Renata :)
Magda'70: peas
Magda'70: as proud as a peacock
Magda'70: a peacock / Łazienki Park / Warsaw
Magda'70: orchid (Warsaw University Botanic Garden)
Magda'70: Have a nice weekend
Magda'70: Gardener's Paradise
Magda'70: at 10 o'clock in the morning
Magda'70: water drop art / liquid sculpture
Magda'70: Tree of Knowledge
Magda'70: After the rain
Magda'70: the perfect flower
Magda'70: Rusalka pawik, Inachis io
Magda'70: Bumblebees
Magda'70: as busy as a bee
Magda'70: peahen
Magda'70: summer time
Magda'70: divinely simple
Magda'70: life is (...) a bowl of cherries
Magda'70: path to the Atlantic Ocean, Kitty Hawk
Magda'70: yellow fish (?)
Magda'70: Ghost crab
Magda'70: peonies
Magda'70: peony
Magda'70: tellicherry black, green and pink peppercorns (a grains of pepper)