Magda of Austin: IMGP5226
Magda of Austin: IMGP5198
Magda of Austin: IMGP5196
Magda of Austin: IMGP5157
Magda of Austin: IMGP5156
Magda of Austin: IMGP5153
Magda of Austin: IMGP5152
Magda of Austin: IMGP5151
Magda of Austin: IMGP5042
Magda of Austin: IMGP5031
Magda of Austin: Enjoying our walk and loving the weather
Magda of Austin: Enjoying our walk and loving the weather
Magda of Austin: Enjoying our walk and loving the weather
Magda of Austin: Enjoying our walk and loving the weather
Magda of Austin: Enjoying our walk and loving the weather
Magda of Austin: Another fun afternoon at the park
Magda of Austin: Maya the driver
Magda of Austin: Sliding!
Magda of Austin: IMGP5488
Magda of Austin: Look at all these books!
Magda of Austin: Pots, books and sunglasses... FUN!
Magda of Austin: We discovered that playing with pots is fun!
Magda of Austin: Somebody is grumpy!
Magda of Austin: IMGP5489
Magda of Austin: Maya and zinnias
Magda of Austin: She loved the flowers