Magda of Austin: Tranquility Park and sky scrapers
Magda of Austin: Tranquility Park in Houston
Magda of Austin: Tranquility Park in Houston
Magda of Austin: Downtown buildings, Houston
Magda of Austin: City Hall in Houston
Magda of Austin: A Polish church in Houston, TX
Magda of Austin: A Polish church in Houston, TX
Magda of Austin: Downtown Houston
Magda of Austin: Downtown Houston, TX
Magda of Austin: Downtown Houston, TX
Magda of Austin: Downtown Houston, TX
Magda of Austin: Downtown Houston
Magda of Austin: Downtown Houston, TX
Magda of Austin: Houston skyscrapers
Magda of Austin: Downtown Houston, TX
Magda of Austin: Houston skyscrapers
Magda of Austin: Bye Houston
Magda of Austin: City of Houston
Magda of Austin: Patterns of big city
Magda of Austin: Patterns of big city
Magda of Austin: How many buildings?
Magda of Austin: Patterns of big city
Magda of Austin: Houston, Texas
Magda of Austin: Houston, Texas
Magda of Austin: Which way to go?
Magda of Austin: Overpasses in Houston, TX