Magda of Austin: peacocks at the Austin zoo
Magda of Austin: portrait
Magda of Austin: Majestic peacock
Magda of Austin: peacocks at the Austin zoo
Magda of Austin: peacocks at the Austin zoo
Magda of Austin: peacocks at the Austin zoo
Magda of Austin: feathers down
Magda of Austin: A show-off
Magda of Austin: These are some long feathers!
Magda of Austin: A female peacock (peahen)
Magda of Austin: A peahen
Magda of Austin: colorful tail
Magda of Austin: a side view of an Indian Blue Peacock
Magda of Austin: Beautiful feathers of an Indian Blue Peacock
Magda of Austin: Me and the peacock
Magda of Austin: Can you spot the babies??
Magda of Austin: peacock chicks
Magda of Austin: peacock chicks
Magda of Austin: Mommy and her babies
Magda of Austin: Momma's close up
Magda of Austin: I am a big and dirty pig
Magda of Austin: A profile shot of a llama
Magda of Austin: A profile shot of a llama
Magda of Austin: A llama at the Austin zoo
Magda of Austin: I am a little shy...
Magda of Austin: peacocks at the Austin zoo
Magda of Austin: Majestic peacock
Magda of Austin: showing off this beautiful tail
Magda of Austin: there had even roosters there
Magda of Austin: cock-a-doodle-doo!!!