Magda of Austin: Driving to the Austin airport
Magda of Austin: Inside the terminal
Magda of Austin: Inside the terminal... busy busy...
Magda of Austin: At the Austin airport
Magda of Austin: at the Austin Airport
Magda of Austin: On the plane to Dallas - Downtown Austin
Magda of Austin: On the plane to Dallas - Downtown Austin
Magda of Austin: On the plane to Dallas - 360 Bridge
Magda of Austin: On the plane to Dallas - Lake Travis
Magda of Austin: A night shot by the Capitol
Magda of Austin: A night shot by the Capitol
Magda of Austin: A night shot by the Capitol
Magda of Austin: A walk by the Lady Bird Lake - ducks on the lake
Magda of Austin: Coming back from the river walk... - A building I spotted...
Magda of Austin: A walk by the Lady Bird Lake - Downtown Austin
Magda of Austin: A walk by the Lady Bird Lake - Downtown Austin
Magda of Austin: A walk by the Lady Bird Lake - reflection in the water
Magda of Austin: A walk by the Lady Bird Lake - reflection in the water
Magda of Austin: A walk by the Lady Bird Lake - People kayaking
Magda of Austin: Austin / Texas in HDR
Magda of Austin: Austin /Texas in HDR
Magda of Austin: Austin /Texas in HDR
Magda of Austin: Austin State Fair - October 2008
Magda of Austin: Austin State Fair - October 2008
Magda of Austin: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, TX
Magda of Austin: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, TX
Magda of Austin: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, TX
Magda of Austin: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, TX
Magda of Austin: Texas land
Magda of Austin: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, TX