maga.pepper: Waiting the big fish ....
maga.pepper: Summer mood
maga.pepper: Play with shadows..
maga.pepper: Spider trap.
maga.pepper: The right way ?
maga.pepper: The body always tells us something .... sometimes surprising us .... the most important thing is... to listen ...
maga.pepper: With the future ahead
maga.pepper: It's only a sand castle. Are you sure ?
maga.pepper: Half smile
maga.pepper: My Paris. Montmartre.
maga.pepper: We are all kings and queens in our small world.....not so small at the end
maga.pepper: You are wonderful. (It' wonderful to hear it )
maga.pepper: Paris underground
maga.pepper: Their TANGO
maga.pepper: A bridge in Paris
maga.pepper: The smile of a beautiful stranger..
maga.pepper: So angry!!
maga.pepper: On the street, everything happens, as in life. You laugh, you cry, you live, you suffer, you die.
maga.pepper: Remind
maga.pepper: Life is a gift
maga.pepper: A man and a woman. That's all.
maga.pepper: Only one way ???
maga.pepper: Black Swan. (Paris)
maga.pepper: The pleasure of self made.
maga.pepper: Face off !
maga.pepper: The mind has exactly the same power of the hands: not only to grasp the world, but to change it.
maga.pepper: Dulcis in fundo
maga.pepper: If the looks can be deceiving, the reality amazes
maga.pepper: With the same effort the glass is necessarily half full ...
maga.pepper: Wraparound #calatravabridge