christine: Smiley
christine: incredible
christine: Waiting
christine: how you doin'?
christine: my boyfriend is a jedi knight
christine: checking out
christine: postcards from the border (grill)
christine: my almost husband!
christine: vacation
christine: goodbye, france
christine: tiramisu
christine: drunk
christine: walk like a -- oops, wrong country
christine: john travolta
christine: my husband
christine: guaps na guaps
christine: king o' the hill
christine: a million down, a gazillion to go
christine: all the beautiful work he did
christine: pre-show jitters
christine: the best shot
christine: cotton candy
christine: make yourself at home
christine: caught
christine: my partner in felt club crime
christine: first taste
christine: in his element
christine: cowboy
christine: worker bee
christine: where evil begins