maeve teresa: DSC00338_337_337.jpg
maeve teresa: Aer Arann
maeve teresa: DSC00347_346_346.jpg
maeve teresa: DSC00348_347_347.jpg
maeve teresa: DSC00349_348_348.jpg
maeve teresa: DSC00326_325_325.jpg
maeve teresa: Inis Oirr from above
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maeve teresa: DSC00352_351_351.jpg
maeve teresa: DSC00353_352_352.jpg
maeve teresa: DSC00354_353_353.jpg
maeve teresa: DSC00355_354_354.jpg
maeve teresa: the new Oil of Olay spokesmodel tests the spf on an island
maeve teresa: You silly hipsters must have gotten on the wrong train. This is definitely not Bedford Ave.
maeve teresa: DSC00358_357_357.jpg
maeve teresa: DSC00359_358_358.jpg
maeve teresa: DSC00360_359_359.jpg
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maeve teresa: DSC00367_366_366.jpg
maeve teresa: DSC00368_367_367.jpg
maeve teresa: donkey watchin'
maeve teresa: very lost hipster
maeve teresa: Siobhan and the ship
maeve teresa: lighthouse