maeshu: Rhino at Safari Park
maeshu: Rhino at Safari Park
maeshu: Lion at Fuji Safari Park
maeshu: Lion at Fuji Safari Park
maeshu: Lion at Fuji Safari Park
maeshu: Mt. Fuji
maeshu: Mt. Fuji
maeshu: Sports competition
maeshu: PA0_0218
maeshu: Coffe Cup
maeshu: Karuta
maeshu: Wanage 輪投げ
maeshu: Sports competition
maeshu: Welcome to Rose Garden
maeshu: Monkey Magic.
maeshu: Tokyo DisneyLand
maeshu: My son at Asahikawa Air Port
maeshu: Play along the river
maeshu: Hey Dad, May I take picture?
maeshu: Son would be FLickr
maeshu: Get a new parka
maeshu: My son.........
maeshu: Nice Chair !
maeshu: My son played by the spring sea.
maeshu: My son......
maeshu: Don't tuch Lens~~~
maeshu: Smile
maeshu: What ?
maeshu: Tokyo DisneyLand
maeshu: Tokyo DisneyLand