Herve Maz: Dude, do you want me to go retro and just hand do it
Herve Maz: We know we must go back if we live, and we don't know why
Herve Maz: She baja-ed the K-rat
Herve Maz: I think I lost most of my pictures when my camera went out to sea
Herve Maz: Remind me to drink water at some point on this trip
Herve Maz: Unamigos, sting rays, and sharks
Herve Maz: Material Peligroso
Herve Maz: There’s never going to be another year when I’m not in Baja
Herve Maz: I’m not ashamed to wear the Barney
Herve Maz: We could not beg our way into Secondary
Herve Maz: Baja is all about the road
Herve Maz: The mar’s nice
Herve Maz: Baño Express
Herve Maz: There Is No Shame In Defecation
Herve Maz: Out Of The Stable
Herve Maz: All I need is a road and some toilet paper
Herve Maz: Bust and Re-Bust
Herve Maz: Language Reconditioning Camp
Herve Maz: Incoming naked Max!
Herve Maz: Let’s go wide open
Herve Maz: This whole trip is unpredictable
Herve Maz: The rhythm of the fire
Herve Maz: Record number of wigs
Herve Maz: Mas Fuego!
Herve Maz: Most drunken Christmas ever
Herve Maz: No Mas, No Mas
Herve Maz: I just went for it
Herve Maz: I’m serious about playing Old Fat right now
Herve Maz: Pisscon 45
Herve Maz: Doing nothing is OK down here