madshaw: Filbert, the bebe garter snake
madshaw: Filbert hides
madshaw: 'gator in the mist
madshaw: 'gator lizard
madshaw: Anderson creek canyon
madshaw: phallus rock
madshaw: edge of the world
madshaw: canyon
madshaw: view near our camp
madshaw: campsite buddy
madshaw: banana slug at Anderson creek
madshaw: sliming laps
madshaw: Anderson creek camp
madshaw: Anderson creek
madshaw: obstacles
madshaw: made it!
madshaw: trail scramble
madshaw: awesome tree
madshaw: trail sprite
madshaw: eeetsobeeeg...
madshaw: awesome tree 2
madshaw: awesome tree 3
madshaw: bushwhacking
madshaw: Pacific
madshaw: color gradient
madshaw: view of Usal beach
madshaw: Elis feels small...
madshaw: we started out so clean...
madshaw: Bret feels smug...
madshaw: starting through the redwoods