madpai: Sunset on Spanish Creek
madpai: Stop Looking
madpai: Sliding down a dune
madpai: Sea Lions
madpai: Sea Lion Gulch
madpai: Sea Lion Gulch
madpai: Flowers on the Pacific
madpai: Punta Gorda Light House
madpai: Punta Gorda Light House
madpai: Marching on - Day 2
madpai: Looks like Broccoli, Does anyone know what it's called?
madpai: greatly twisted rock
madpai: Interesting Forest
madpai: Interesting Forest
madpai: Gulls on the shore
madpai: Gulls in Flight
madpai: Carpet of Wild Vetch
madpai: Camp Spanish Creek
madpai: Breaking Surf
madpai: Barn on Big Flat
madpai: Alpha Male