madmack66: Play time in the park
madmack66: A swinging girl
madmack66: So if I play a C.. the next key should be a G.. Right..?
madmack66: Her Sunday best
madmack66: Wow Mommy..!
madmack66: Happy bath girl
madmack66: Watching hockey with Daddy
madmack66: Ava with Mommy, Granny Terry and Poppa
madmack66: Upside down girl
madmack66: Kisses for Poppa
madmack66: Playing with cousins..
madmack66: Kisses for Poppa
madmack66: Sharing grapes
madmack66: On Daddy's shoulders
madmack66: A nice view
madmack66: Strolling with Mommy
madmack66: Feet..!!
madmack66: Bear hug
madmack66: A new purse
madmack66: Mmm. Birthday cake
madmack66: Glasses Daddy..
madmack66: After work..
madmack66: A couple spins and it's ready..
madmack66: Into the salad spinner..
madmack66: Needs more Cheerios
madmack66: Let's test it out..
madmack66: Hmm.. Needs a couple more..
madmack66: So you add the Cheerios.. and stir..
madmack66: Creating a work of art..
madmack66: Time to open presents..