MadLabUK: Musical Rider
MadLabUK: Sarky Magic 8 ball!
MadLabUK: Playing with the giant Kaleidoscope
MadLabUK: View from the other end of the Kaleidoscope
MadLabUK: The 'Rain dragon'
MadLabUK: ...It seems not!
MadLabUK: Oh Magic 8 ball, will I be impressed with your answer?
MadLabUK: Project-a-sketch from the back
MadLabUK: Figuring out the controls of the Project-a-sketch
MadLabUK: Explaining the wonders of a Magic 8 Ball to someone too young to remember them the first time round
MadLabUK: Not impressed!
MadLabUK: Our youngest fan
MadLabUK: It's harder than it looks.
MadLabUK: Sibling cooperation
MadLabUK: Doodling on the Project-a-sketch
MadLabUK: MCR Police letting our staff try on riot gear.