Madison Preservation: St Paul's Catholic Student Center - Library Mall
Madison Preservation: St Paul's Catholic Student Center - Library Mall
Madison Preservation: St Raphael's Cathedral Rectory - 216 W Main St.
Madison Preservation: Trachte commercal building at W. Doty and S. Bedford Sts.
Madison Preservation: Trachte commercal building at W. Doty and S. Bedford Sts.
Madison Preservation: Commercial strip - 700 block of University Ave.
Madison Preservation: Commercial strip - 700 block of University Ave.
Madison Preservation: Trachte building used as house - 5236 Harbor Court
Madison Preservation: House - 151 Proudfit St.
Madison Preservation: Marshall Erdman Office and Shop - 5117 University Ave.
Madison Preservation: Commercial building - 677 S. Segoe Rd.
Madison Preservation: 1941 gas station - 3502 Monroe St.
Madison Preservation: House - 1112 Spaight St.
Madison Preservation: House - 1384 Williamson St.