Madison Preservation: 213 S. Baldwin St. - Madison, WI
Madison Preservation: 444 N. Baldwin St. - Madison, WI
Madison Preservation: 515 S. Few St. - Madison, WI
Madison Preservation: Trainor Building, 551 W. Main St. - Madison, WI
Madison Preservation: Trainor Building (detail), 551 W. Main St. - Madison, WI
Madison Preservation: Brittingham Park Boathouse - 617 North Shore Dr. Madison, WI
Madison Preservation: 422 Castle Place - Madison, WI
Madison Preservation: 422 Castle Place (rear addition) - Madison, WI
Madison Preservation: Paoli House Hotel (Paoli House Gallery) - Paoli, WI
Madison Preservation: Hill Farms subdivision, Madison, WI - 2007 house and garden tour
Madison Preservation: Bob Bean - Caretaker of the Nathaniel Dean House