madiillustration: front cover...
madiillustration: end pages...
madiillustration: my big sister Amber...
madiillustration: i'm scared of dogs with big bitey teeth...
madiillustration: i'm scared of thunder when it's loud and crashy...
madiillustration: i'm scared of being sucked down the plughole...
madiillustration: i'm scared of snakes with long slithery tongues...
madiillustration: i'm scared of the dark because it's black and shadowy...
madiillustration: i'm scared of being very lost all on my own...
madiillustration: i'm scared of being very very high up...
madiillustration: i'm scared of mice with wiggly wriggly tails...
madiillustration: i'm scared of all the monsters that hide in my room...
madiillustration: bugs one...
madiillustration: bugs two...
madiillustration: bugs three...
madiillustration: end pages.
madiillustration: back cover...