madichan: 母親 and me
madichan: mom and dad
madichan: our parking signs
madichan: SuFu the bridesmaid
madichan: Mel drinking up
madichan: Whit drawing out the ceremony plan
madichan: Nordis and Dannette discussing beer selections
madichan: Kelly, Dagan, Jake, and Althea
madichan: Mel digging into her mutant quesadilla
madichan: Ade and Andrew gettin' chummy
madichan: Aaron and his wacky talents
madichan: Hooray, Aaron!
madichan: Martin giving the speech
madichan: florist and the briday bouquet
madichan: me and SuFu
madichan: Mel and me
madichan: me, SuFu, and Mel
madichan: my bridesmaids (Dannette, Susan, and Melissa)
madichan: me and Whit, the married couple
madichan: me and Whit and wedding bliss