amathad: Narrow streets of Ulsoor
amathad: A wet day...
amathad: Clothesline
amathad: Red paint on rock!
amathad: Goodbye Virginia
amathad: Life at a macro scale
amathad: Guards
amathad: Dhobi and the photographer
amathad: What's up, doc?
amathad: Minarets
amathad: Shoppers
amathad: Moonrise in the Tavern
amathad: A dog's life
amathad: Neeraj is asleep...
amathad: Dog chases crow
amathad: Setting sun
amathad: Clothesline
amathad: Dragonfly
amathad: Dhobi
amathad: Another Dhobi
amathad: All alone
amathad: Sorrow
amathad: "This is how you strangle"
amathad: Cameraperson
amathad: Dinesh
amathad: Actor
amathad: The complete man?
amathad: It's a steal!
amathad: Smiley
amathad: What is going on here?