MadGrayPhoto: Hogan at liquor store
MadGrayPhoto: Slim at library
MadGrayPhoto: Tammy Jeffs victim of domestic violence
MadGrayPhoto: Where Slim sleeps II
MadGrayPhoto: Hogan under bridge
MadGrayPhoto: David at shelter
MadGrayPhoto: Abbey at shelter
MadGrayPhoto: Ronald Pemberton at shelter
MadGrayPhoto: Pops boiled peanuts
MadGrayPhoto: Shelter porch
MadGrayPhoto: Shelter TV room
MadGrayPhoto: Slim closeup
MadGrayPhoto: Hogan closeup
MadGrayPhoto: Slim hands
MadGrayPhoto: Slim and Hogan at liquor store
MadGrayPhoto: Hogan drinking by tracks
MadGrayPhoto: Soup kitchen II
MadGrayPhoto: Soup kitchen
MadGrayPhoto: Shelter Ron porch
MadGrayPhoto: Slim and hat lady at library
MadGrayPhoto: Where Slim sleeps
MadGrayPhoto: Hogan drinking under bridge
MadGrayPhoto: Hogan walking