Maddy Clare: A Total Mystery To Me..
Maddy Clare: Reading Light
Maddy Clare: Reading Light II
Maddy Clare: Don't Slide
Maddy Clare: Is that alright with you, no?
Maddy Clare: Oh, can't you see?
Maddy Clare: So You Might As Well Rise
Maddy Clare: Everybody's Looking For Something
Maddy Clare: Little Beauty
Maddy Clare: First Rain
Maddy Clare: Closer
Maddy Clare: DSC_0323
Maddy Clare: DSC_226
Maddy Clare: reading
Maddy Clare: Boston II
Maddy Clare: To My Suprise and to My Delight, I Saw a Sunrise, I Saw Sunlight
Maddy Clare: Vogue-ish?
Maddy Clare: Incapable of Titling
Maddy Clare: Where the Hell Have You Been??
Maddy Clare: Attitude
Maddy Clare: Gallery II
Maddy Clare: breath and death