Maddy Clare: Blue Eyes
Maddy Clare: Friday Mornings
Maddy Clare: My Wish
Maddy Clare: "Barack the Vote"
Maddy Clare: Remember?
Maddy Clare: Looking Down
Maddy Clare: Looking Up
Maddy Clare: Halloween's Tomorrow!
Maddy Clare: Reading Light
Maddy Clare: Trick-or-Treaters
Maddy Clare: I might have loved a king. Been the one to end a war
Maddy Clare: Reading Light II
Maddy Clare: Happy Birthday to an Amazing Girl!!
Maddy Clare: There She Goes
Maddy Clare: Good Book?
Maddy Clare: "Winter Must Be Cold...
Maddy Clare: Waking Up One Year Older
Maddy Clare: Spencer
Maddy Clare: Easily Entertained
Maddy Clare: "And then.. Yata, Yata, Yata"
Maddy Clare: Do I Really Have To Do This?
Maddy Clare: Is that alright with you, no?
Maddy Clare: "Think. It's Not Illegal Yet"
Maddy Clare: Oh, can't you see?
Maddy Clare: "I got a stone.. where my heart should be"
Maddy Clare: Thoughtful
Maddy Clare: Everybody's Looking For Something
Maddy Clare: So You Might As Well Rise