madampince: Ceiling starfield effect, Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: Detail of the Welcome table, Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: Detail of the Welcome table, Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: Pre-party: set up of food table, Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: Pre-party: set up of Herbology and Care of Magical Creatures classrooms, Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: Thania's Hogwarts house banners, Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: Pre-party: Potions classroom, Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: Set up helpers, Razanne and Bria, Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: How we created the battlements! Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: Pre-party: Bria makes good use of the white board, Main Library Potter party, July 11, 2009
madampince: My Pottermobile packed to the roof with Potter party supplies
madampince: Most of the cast plus two
madampince: Prof. Trelawney and girl who clearly enjoyed the pretzel wands.
madampince: Hagrid and Harry
madampince: Sprout demonstrates a Deadly Daisy
madampince: Sprout demonstrates the characteristics of the Deadly Daisy.
madampince: I love how thunderstruck this kid was at Trelawney's fortunetelling
madampince: Laughter at one of Trelawney's doleful predictions
madampince: Professor Grubbly-Plank
madampince: Professor Trelawney
madampince: Draco and Snape
madampince: Professors Lockhart and Sprout
madampince: Me as Madam Pomfrey
madampince: "The World of Harry Potter" talk by Steve Vander Ark, Tucson Festival of Books
madampince: Me, for article in the Star
madampince: These are the Potter party decorations Fred used for our photo session.
madampince: Our book
madampince: Missy's party cakes! Himmel Park Library's Potter Party, December 2, 2008
madampince: Snape's Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson, Himmel Park Library's Potter Party, December 2, 2008
madampince: Hedwig finds a friend, Himmel Park Library's Potter Party, December 2, 2008