madamamoothia: closed guitarreria
madamamoothia: yo, claudio...
madamamoothia: after the rain from, you guessed it, my balcony
madamamoothia: in the hood in the rain
madamamoothia: outside the library
madamamoothia: videogames in the hood
madamamoothia: cleaving meats
madamamoothia: my stop man.
madamamoothia: atocha train station at 8 am
madamamoothia: ancient library from the outside
madamamoothia: this, basically, is spain
madamamoothia: across from me and one floor below
madamamoothia: this, basically, is madrid
madamamoothia: view from the kitchen
madamamoothia: bathroom of ancient library
madamamoothia: ancient libary
madamamoothia: my plants and my balcony
madamamoothia: where churches shop
madamamoothia: where churches shop
madamamoothia: the most epicly good sewing store
madamamoothia: view form mykitchen balcony
madamamoothia: a typical balcony pet
madamamoothia: museo del jamon
madamamoothia: a flat mate on a night out
madamamoothia: a flat mate on a night out
madamamoothia: an afternoon coffee on my balcony
madamamoothia: a typical scene at a typical mesón at 10ish
madamamoothia: view form my balcony