MadalenaPestana: after the flowers, the fruits II
MadalenaPestana: "Rain and tears..."
MadalenaPestana: after the flowers, the fruits - I
MadalenaPestana: rain in July
MadalenaPestana: I love nature green :)
MadalenaPestana: Green is beautiful or... What is behind this curtain?
MadalenaPestana: sun view through a palm tree leaf
MadalenaPestana: fallen pine cone in the ground
MadalenaPestana: a little sky among leaves
MadalenaPestana: I need a sunny day
MadalenaPestana: I love it! :)
MadalenaPestana: in a moment the birds restart to sing, because green is beautiful
MadalenaPestana: time for a break. :)
MadalenaPestana: one aplle to "FaceMePLS" . :)
MadalenaPestana: help yourself
MadalenaPestana: a healthy and colorful meal.
MadalenaPestana: red hearts
MadalenaPestana: on my way I bought some fruit in the neighborhood grocery
MadalenaPestana: Orange tree / laranjeira
MadalenaPestana: So fresh in time of heat
MadalenaPestana: I can understand Eva
MadalenaPestana: a bunch of fruits
MadalenaPestana: Bot navel orange
MadalenaPestana: dessert
MadalenaPestana: follow me through the autumn
MadalenaPestana: medlar
MadalenaPestana: leaves in the sky