C.A.Johnston: Buffalo Lake
C.A.Johnston: Tuckered Out
C.A.Johnston: Lots of new camping gear this year.
C.A.Johnston: mmm Frut Loops!
C.A.Johnston: Eating Cereal
C.A.Johnston: Parasailing
C.A.Johnston: Joey Learning to Swim
C.A.Johnston: She's noticing the cool white waves.
C.A.Johnston: Joey's not sure about the water yet.
C.A.Johnston: Joey Learning to Swim
C.A.Johnston: Joey Learning to Swim
C.A.Johnston: Squirrel Silouette
C.A.Johnston: More Squirrel
C.A.Johnston: Sad Joey wants that squirrel so bad.
C.A.Johnston: Little Squirrel on a Big Tree
C.A.Johnston: The Marshmallow Incident
C.A.Johnston: The Marshmallow Incident
C.A.Johnston: The Marshmallow Incident
C.A.Johnston: Joey thinking she's a show dog.
C.A.Johnston: Me and Joey
C.A.Johnston: Joey playing more in the water
C.A.Johnston: Joey playing in the sun
C.A.Johnston: Loons in the water
C.A.Johnston: Joey in the Woods on the Trapline Trail
C.A.Johnston: Mmmm a cocktail weenie!
C.A.Johnston: Alberta Rose? A little out of focus unfortunately.
C.A.Johnston: Map of Fickle Lake
C.A.Johnston: Pac-Man! Prevents Odours.
C.A.Johnston: Crescent Falls, Alberta