Oregon Sandy: The bonding begins...
Oregon Sandy: You okay?
Oregon Sandy: Hey, I thought I was head honcho around here!
Oregon Sandy: Here's Ruby!
Oregon Sandy: Cooper & Ruby at three months
Oregon Sandy: Buddies
Oregon Sandy: What are we looking at bro'?
Oregon Sandy: Two alike...
Oregon Sandy: Guilty!
Oregon Sandy: Happy New Year!
Oregon Sandy: Playground Rules
Oregon Sandy: We only have eyes for you....
Oregon Sandy: Sit, Stay
Oregon Sandy: Oh Cooper, I've got something you want...
Oregon Sandy: misc 038
Oregon Sandy: misc 037
Oregon Sandy: misc 033
Oregon Sandy: Buddies
Oregon Sandy: Black/White
Oregon Sandy: There's nothing like a big brother...
Oregon Sandy: "I'm taller than he is!"
Oregon Sandy: Um, excuse me, we'd like to come in now.
Oregon Sandy: Sentries at their posts
Oregon Sandy: Dancing Bears
Oregon Sandy: Jumping for Joy {Explored - 4/22/11}
Oregon Sandy: We're free!
Oregon Sandy: One haircut down, one to go
Oregon Sandy: Dog laughter
Oregon Sandy: Here's looking at you, kid