DaveMac photography: over the bridges to China
DaveMac photography: sunset over the coast of Shenzhen
DaveMac photography: Oyster beds in the river
DaveMac photography: sunset over more blocks of apartments
DaveMac photography: Shanghai from Hotel room
DaveMac photography: Shanghai from Hotel room
DaveMac photography: houses from the hotel room
DaveMac photography: nice area inside compound
DaveMac photography: Interesting Scaffolding
DaveMac photography: Hilton Hotel Shanghai
DaveMac photography: paths in the sky
DaveMac photography: waterfall in Shanghai park
DaveMac photography: beautiful tranquil park in Shanghai
DaveMac photography: Peaceful Shanghai park
DaveMac photography: tranquil setting in park
DaveMac photography: Buddha temple in Shanghai
DaveMac photography: Lions protecting the temple
DaveMac photography: Inside temple
DaveMac photography: rebuilding temple
DaveMac photography: giant jig saw puzzel
DaveMac photography: main buddha's temple
DaveMac photography: stair way to main Temple
DaveMac photography: the inner compound of temple
DaveMac photography: Solid wooded pillars
DaveMac photography: the main buddha
DaveMac photography: old Shanghai town
DaveMac photography: Old and New Shanghai
DaveMac photography: street scenee in Shanghai
DaveMac photography: New sky scrapers in Shanghai
DaveMac photography: Very chinese building