Don's PhotoStream: Life isn’t about the Destination...
jlsfly: _DSC0640
MPnormaleye: News Update
Silvia 貞子: Nikon Z fc
Matt Osborne (aka. MrLeica.Com): Light Lens Lab Elcan 50mm f2
costyna.di: Imperfezioni
Buffalo Fawn: under a chemtrail sky
Vincent F Tsai: Watch out
MARMARI Dragonflies: Blue-tailed Damselfly,immature female,form rufescens.
Lars_Holte: Bronica S2a: Kronborg: både slot og fæstning
Davie Dunn: Ilford Pan F 50, Perceptol processed and scanned neg.
M&K Kamera: NZ5_4148
Fizzy Lifting Drinks: Oct Break 2014 070
stefanhaubold: White Horse
Weja 68: IMG_Common clubtail female
Jerry Nicholls: Resting place
Jack_from_Paris: Miami mood - au pas
michaelalterbaum: South Beach 2015
AlexBurke: Wildflower Trail
Earley Photography: Shen Hao 4x5 HZX45-llA
Eddie.Romero: Elephant
cHoIminG: Pottinger Street
Pipa Terrer: Anax parthenope
MARMARI Dragonflies: Emerald Damselfly,female,Bouldnor Forest ponds,IOW.
Pipa Terrer: Lestes barbarus
Yagosan: Sympetrum striolatum - Common Darter in flight
Ken Phenicie Jr.: Allen's Hummingbird Female