MacQ: marfa lights observation deck
MacQ: marfa mystery lights
MacQ: marfa lights
MacQ: marfa lights
MacQ: john foxx - blurred girl
MacQ: fake Prada store outside of Marfa, Texas
MacQ: self portrait
MacQ: Prada Marfa - artists statement
MacQ: prada marfa sculpture
MacQ: fake prada store (sculpture) in middle of the desert
MacQ: across the highway from Prada, Marfa sculpture, is nothing
MacQ: desert "sculpture" store
MacQ: Lost Highway
MacQ: kc
MacQ: donald judd sculptures
MacQ: ranch cemetery
MacQ: ranch cemetery 2
MacQ: ranch sign
MacQ: El Cheapo
MacQ: marfa, texas
MacQ: water tower
MacQ: matt
MacQ: hotel pool
MacQ: hotel lounge
MacQ: thunderbird hotel
MacQ: hotel neon
MacQ: kc crossing I-90
MacQ: donald judd sculpture installation
MacQ: space