giulioer: M45 - Pleiades
strongmanmike2002: Symbiotic star R Aquarii - new faint features discovered
45SURF Hero's Odyssey Mythology Landscapes & Godde: California White Mountains Astro Landscape Milky Way! High Res Sony A7RII Astro Photography Milky Way Landscape! Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest Dr. Elliot McGucken Fine Art Photography! Subtle Light Painting!
Impact Imagz: Free to Roam
nlamendo: IoniaInMoonlight
nlamendo: scorpius_WF_meteors
Waskogm: Bode's and Cigar Galaxies
@wilder_action: Sorry mate I gotta fly
jeremyjonkman: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
Sara Wager ( Fish Head nebula (IC1795) in narrowband Celestial Eye in Cassiopeia M13: Great Cluster in Hercules
trout7000: NGC 1365 -- Great Barred Spiral Galaxy
Northern_Nights: Comet Lovejoy on 14 Mar 15