Pearce Levrais Photography: What dogs think of politics.
Pearce Levrais Photography: Austin - the most handsome dog in the world (in our house anyway)
Pearce Levrais Photography: Our yellow lab, Austin.
Pearce Levrais Photography: Austin - the best dog in the world, at least in our house.
Pearce Levrais Photography: I ate the rug, a stuffed toy & still have my chewy. Perfect!
Pearce Levrais Photography: I have this jowl issue, see...
Pearce Levrais Photography: My two labradors playing at the park.
Pearce Levrais Photography: I love you Dad but I’m not moving.
Pearce Levrais Photography: Labrador Love 😊
Pearce Levrais Photography: Portrait Of A Hero
Pearce Levrais Photography: Magnificent Friend
Pearce Levrais Photography: After a long day's travel and work, Austin relaxes on his hotel bed.
Pearce Levrais Photography: Our Labrador, River.
Pearce Levrais Photography: Doggy get that ball! Dog runs on water to fetch ball.
Pearce Levrais Photography: I'll have a large puppachino, a small regular for my mommy, and there's a strange man taking my photo behind me in the drive-thru.
Pearce Levrais Photography: Automatic drying
Pearce Levrais Photography: Our Labrador, River Levrais, patiently waiting for a treat.
Pearce Levrais Photography: You're feeling very tired. You want to give me the cookie in your hand, right now. A photo of Austin Levrais practicing hypnotic techniques he recently acquired from watching the Discovery channel.
Pearce Levrais Photography: Very happy dogs out for a run
Pearce Levrais Photography: It's right there...
Pearce Levrais Photography: The Heart Of A Dog (explored 02-07-2021)
Pearce Levrais Photography: My Pomskys, planning my demise after they escape