T Markham: Magnus the red Daemon Primarch of Tzeentch
T Markham: Magnus the red Daemon Primarch of Tzeentch
Khul: Vulkan He'stan
neojarlaxe: Celestine
Khul: Vulkan He'stan
Relaxdesign Minis: Imperial knight of House Terryn
larkinswordbearers: Neophytes with Shotguns 3-10 (1)
Sorastro: Greedo
Mineraleater: Ultramarines_Stormtalon_II
sandiegohistoricalgamer: 20170117_171253
T Markham: Black Legion Chaos Reaver Titan
banzai1000: Legio Custodes Guardians
banzai1000: Legio Custodes Squad Ares
larkinswordbearers: Genestealer Cult Patriarch (1)
KrautScientist: Finished Call 2016 (11)
T Markham: Alpha Legion Fire Raptors
neojarlaxe: Patriarch Genestealer Cult
larkinswordbearers: Munitorum Armoured Containers (4)
neojarlaxe: Skullgrinder
Tomas Persifal Pekar: Bloodsecrator
biff2177: 2016-12-29_04-12-38
larkinswordbearers: Gesamtbild 2016 (22)
larkinswordbearers: Gesamtbild 2016 (24)
Toxogen: "Thousand Sons" Rubric Marines
riocordo1: #horusheresy#thousandsons#spacemarines#riccardomargarolo
akaisamurai: Slaanesh Demonette Warriors (Painting Commission for Hakim) (Chaos in the Old World Slaanesh Demonette Warriors Miniatures)
banzai1000: Legio Custodes Guard
Sorastro: Deadeye Walkers-2
Sorastro: Deadeye Walkers
larkinswordbearers: Neophyte Hybrid with Grenadelauncher (3)