Mackenzie Hope: "You make the going out of the morning and the evening shout for JOY!" Psalms 65:8
Mackenzie Hope: 8/31 July {Purple}
Mackenzie Hope: Magical lights
Mackenzie Hope: Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ~John Ruskin
Mackenzie Hope: The West
Mackenzie Hope: "Earth laughs in flowers"
Mackenzie Hope: "In the spring.... "
Mackenzie Hope: "That buzzing noise means-something.....
Mackenzie Hope: Dewy Morning Bokeh
Mackenzie Hope: Good Morning World!
Mackenzie Hope: Reformation.....
Mackenzie Hope: Sunlight
Mackenzie Hope: A foggy night
Mackenzie Hope: Sky and Land
Mackenzie Hope: "So God created a lesser light for the night"
Mackenzie Hope: Trees. Barns. Sunlight. Leaves. Fall.
Mackenzie Hope: Web and water
Mackenzie Hope: Drip Drop Plop
Mackenzie Hope: Rainy red flower
Mackenzie Hope: 14/31 {Blueberry Picking}
Mackenzie Hope: 26/31 July {A storm is a'coming}
Mackenzie Hope: Wake Up Call