Wermut (Chuckles): Woody celebrates the season of giving, but likes receiving more
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody perplexes the compound details of a Jackson Pollock
Wermut (Chuckles): ...and perplexes...
Wermut (Chuckles): ...and perplexes...
Wermut (Chuckles): ...and even considers it more...
Wermut (Chuckles): ...but still doesn't get it.
Wermut (Chuckles): ...due to traffic, Wermuts driving was not good enough. Woody takes the helm and begins weaving and passing on the right...
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody shows off his super skills, laughing all the time...
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody is not quite the complete man before his morning coffee.
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody realizes what straws are for....
Wermut (Chuckles): too much too often will put you on the street!
Wermut (Chuckles): this is becoming too much
Wermut (Chuckles): thinking he was funny, Woody dumps the whole pitcher just after this snap...
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody cleand up the spilled pitcher of ale, but drank the contents of the wipe rag, putting him in a drunken stuper, passing out. NOT FUNNY AND EMBARRASSING!
Wermut (Chuckles): Feeling better, Woody sees the first whale of the day
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody had too much sap the night before the sailing trip at Monterey...
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody learns it does not pay to be a pirate...
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody thinks to himself '...these two are closer than I thought at first..."
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody notices Barbie forgot a key piece of attire
Wermut (Chuckles): ..."bring a friend" She did!
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody calls for a hand with his lotion...
Wermut (Chuckles): I just felt like run ning...
Wermut (Chuckles): Drifter comes by to say howdy!
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody gets the crabs...
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody sees his cousin: "Drifter"
Wermut (Chuckles): Woody takes a clam break...
Wermut (Chuckles): woodysmagazinecover