wmp-photos: The Þingvellir National Park
wmp-photos: Þingvellir National Park
wmp-photos: Þingvellir Church
wmp-photos: Stokkur
wmp-photos: Stokkur
wmp-photos: Stokkur
wmp-photos: Stokkur
wmp-photos: Gullfoss waterfall (the Golden waterfall)
wmp-photos: Gullfoss waterfall
wmp-photos: Gullfoss waterfall
wmp-photos: Puffin at burrow
wmp-photos: Puffins
wmp-photos: Puffins
wmp-photos: Sea arch at Dyrhólaey cliffs.
wmp-photos: Dyrhólaey penninsula and cliffs.
wmp-photos: Dyrhólaey penninsula and cliffs.
wmp-photos: Dyrhólaey penninsula and cliffs.
wmp-photos: Skógafoss waterfall, with glacier water streaming from Eyjafjallajökull volcano
wmp-photos: Skógafoss waterfall
wmp-photos: Seljalandsfoss waterfall
wmp-photos: Seljalandsfoss waterfall
wmp-photos: Seljalandsfoss waterfall
wmp-photos: Seljalandsfoss waterfall
wmp-photos: National Park Vatnajökull
wmp-photos: The front of Skaftafellsjokull glacier
wmp-photos: National Park Vatnajökull
wmp-photos: Jökulsárlón Glacial Lagoon & Ice Beach
wmp-photos: Jökulsárlón Glacial Lagoon & Ice Beach
wmp-photos: Jökulsárlón Glacial Lagoon & Ice Beach
wmp-photos: Jökulsárlón Glacial Lagoon & Ice Beach