khoupernicus: Chilean rose tarantula at the Cal Poly Pomona booth
khoupernicus: Kid handling the Chilean rose tarantula.
khoupernicus: More bees
khoupernicus: You can buy a decent car with that kinda ca$h!
khoupernicus: Goliath beetle + variations
khoupernicus: Cool looking Goliath beetle
khoupernicus: An insect collection booth
khoupernicus: Madagascar hissing cockroaches
khoupernicus: Just chillin', having a piece of driftwood
khoupernicus: $3.00 each
khoupernicus: "I bury them cockroaches!!!"
khoupernicus: Just hanging out with my Amblypygi.
khoupernicus: Winging It Insect Art
khoupernicus: We've been eyeing this insect art for a while, but at $279.00, it's a bit steep!
khoupernicus: Curly fries
khoupernicus: A group of diplopodas chillin', having some coconut husk.
khoupernicus: Tarantula molt
khoupernicus: Said amblypygid up close (tailless whip scorpion)
khoupernicus: It's all fun and game until it bit Abby in the a$$. Just kidding. It's harmless and can be yours for $20.00.
khoupernicus: Glow in the dark emperor scorpion
khoupernicus: The carapace of scorpions allow them to glow under ultraviolet light
khoupernicus: Emperor scorpion under a black light
khoupernicus: Oh, just me and my Pandinus imperator, me and my Pandinus imperator.
khoupernicus: Metal works
khoupernicus: Some lepidoptera on display
khoupernicus: More lepidoptera
khoupernicus: A bunch of silkworm caterpillars munchin' on some mulberry leaves
khoupernicus: Short horned grasshoppers
khoupernicus: Some coleoptera