macgrrl84: Jonathan Mills "Big Data"
macgrrl84: Big Data
macgrrl84: Big Data
macgrrl84: Big Data
macgrrl84: Big Data
macgrrl84: Jennifer Wadella @likeOMGitsFEDAY "Mentoring - The future of technology education"
macgrrl84: Mentoring
macgrrl84: Sketchnote of Melissa Green's (@mgreenvml) presentation on "Breaking down language barriers - translating technology" at Iowa Code Camp Spring 2014
macgrrl84: Sketchnote of Melissa Green's (@mgreenvml) presentation on "Breaking down language barriers - translating technology" at Iowa Code Camp Spring 2014
macgrrl84: Sketchnote of Melissa Green's (@mgreenvml) presentation on "Breaking down language barriers - translating technology" at Iowa Code Camp Spring 2014
macgrrl84: Andrea Flemming's presentation at @iowacodecamp #icc13 on "Sublime Text: Tips &Tricks"
macgrrl84: Andrea Flemming's presentation at @iowacodecamp #icc13 on "Sublime Text: Tips &Tricks"
macgrrl84: VLOOKUP SketchNote