Macgidtosh: A Creepy Manor?
Macgidtosh: "Don't drink and fly, Mr. Aviator..."
Macgidtosh: Golden Hand of A Shooter...
Macgidtosh: Waterdancers
Macgidtosh: A Company High-Rise Building in The Sun
Macgidtosh: Gehry III
Macgidtosh: All-Dominants
Macgidtosh: "The Pool of Fire" (1968)
Macgidtosh: A Paddlesteamer Paddle-steaming in Hamburg
Macgidtosh: Golden buttercup
Macgidtosh: Spring - at looong last!
Macgidtosh: A tulip's gaudy interior
Macgidtosh: Nectar Heading
Macgidtosh: A Bugs' Life
Macgidtosh: Holidays on my balcony (it's no joke/fake)
Macgidtosh: Nemesis 2
Macgidtosh: Its name is "Schlern"
Macgidtosh: Branches in the sunset
Macgidtosh: Topsy-turvy
Macgidtosh: Davu and mother
Macgidtosh: The Good Cob Bad Cob Tactics
Macgidtosh: Hamburg
Macgidtosh: Galla Days to come
Macgidtosh: Good friends
Macgidtosh: Twilight of my li'l Goddess!
Macgidtosh: Straight (really no manipulation!)
Macgidtosh: Six in One Quarter
Macgidtosh: Ancient Earth in A Distant Future?
Macgidtosh: Thrice "Dalicious", "Scream[ing]" Allowed! - Elapsing Time
Macgidtosh: Crest The "Peaky Lusion"!