mace pdx: Dog walking on the snow.
mace pdx: NWIPA FOPO PDX
mace pdx: NWIPA, Foster Powell.
mace pdx: Enjoying the night snow action. Foster Powell
mace pdx: Foster Powell, very eclectic.
mace pdx: View from Laurelwood Park.
mace pdx: Foster Powell looking great in the snow at night.
mace pdx: Snow night scene, Foster Powell.
mace pdx: Nakagawa bike, Laurelwood park
mace pdx: Laurelwood Park, Foster Powell. SEIU Local 503 Building.
mace pdx: Nakagawa, Foster Powell, SEIU local 503.
mace pdx: Recording studio, Foster Powell.
mace pdx: Powell blvd, snowy night.