macdon512: complete chaos at the baggage claim in Liberia
macdon512: the beer of champions
macdon512: first night in Liberia and I order a giant Liberian beer
macdon512: view from my hotel room
macdon512: creepy cat lurking outside our hotel
macdon512: a workspace at the National Archives
macdon512: the restaurant at the Renaissance Hotel
macdon512: our first offical "Liberian" meal
macdon512: We frequently went here for lunch. It was always crawling with lizards
macdon512: in a room full of poorly stored archives
macdon512: National Archives in Liberia
macdon512: National Archives in Liberia
macdon512: National Archives in Liberia
macdon512: the National Archives in Liberia
macdon512: a very young Samuel Doe
macdon512: view from the bathroom at work
macdon512: pay your taxes!
macdon512: Liberia Auto Inc.
macdon512: Robert Street
macdon512: Monrovia
macdon512: one of the less congested roads in Monrovia. Also one of the few paved roads
macdon512: quite the traffic jam up ahead
macdon512: a drive by of one of the markets
macdon512: United Methodist University
macdon512: bus stop
macdon512: birth certificate information
macdon512: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare