macdon512: Sacre Couer
macdon512: Eiffel Tower in the distance
macdon512: one of my top 5 favorite sculptures
macdon512: the Opera House
macdon512: Montmartre
macdon512: Bruges
macdon512: Bruges
macdon512: Bruges
macdon512: Brussels
macdon512: Mannekin Pis....huge disappointment
macdon512: my aunt and uncle's place in Berlin
macdon512: me in a shoe in Amsterdam
macdon512: another rainy day in Prague
macdon512: Jewish cemetary in Prague
macdon512: Prague
macdon512: The crypts at St. Stephen are packed full of's freaky AND amazing!!
macdon512: crazy pulpit in St. Stephens
macdon512: Budapest
macdon512: Budapest
macdon512: Budapest
macdon512: I spent most of my time here naked. It wasn't intentional.
macdon512: The Hofbrahaus loves John Denver
macdon512: scootering through the Alps
macdon512: Interlaken
macdon512: Interlaken
macdon512: Funny Farm!! The best hostel in the world. And that tiny dot in the sky is actually a sky diver. They were everywhere.
macdon512: I want to live here.
macdon512: Canyoning
macdon512: Guidecca in the background
macdon512: St. Mark's Square