macdad1948: The Power & the Glory
macdad1948: Pinnacles of Fear, Pinnacle of Faith
macdad1948: Skogafoss
macdad1948: Melting Fleeting Beauty
macdad1948: The Persistance of Life
macdad1948: 'Insignificant but Sentient'
macdad1948: Melting Gems - Jokulsarlon, Iceland
macdad1948: Heavenly lights, Earthly Power
macdad1948: Long & Winding Road
macdad1948: Melting Gems II - Jokulsarlon, Iceland
macdad1948: East of Vestrahorn
macdad1948: Still Lagoon, First Light
macdad1948: After the storm....
macdad1948: 'Austere Facade, Affable Faith'
macdad1948: UFOs?
macdad1948: Ice Diamond Sunrise
macdad1948: Hraunfossar Falls, NW Iceland
macdad1948: 'Praying for Dormance'
macdad1948: 'Power & Glory'
macdad1948: 'Ice Breaker'