macdad1948: A special place in my memory. BLEA TARN
macdad1948: Light at the End of the Tunnel
macdad1948: Come Rain Come Shine, Come Shine Come Rain....
macdad1948: 'Spotlight on High Snab'
macdad1948: 'House on the Hill'
macdad1948: 'Catching The Mist'
macdad1948: 'It's Moment in the Sun'
macdad1948: Come rain,come shine... in B&W
macdad1948: 'Remembering Autumn'
macdad1948: 'Sometimes seeing less is more ?'
macdad1948: 'Never Rains But It Pours'
macdad1948: 'Sculptured Stanchion'