Macaw-frey: Baltimore Oriole in Bougainvillea
Macaw-frey: Passerini's Tanager
Macaw-frey: pink and blue
Macaw-frey: Variable Seedeater
Macaw-frey: baby saltator
Macaw-frey: baby Robin
Macaw-frey: Hoffmann's Woodpecker
Macaw-frey: with a sly smile ...
Macaw-frey: Robin's nest
Macaw-frey: Get off my rock!
Macaw-frey: Out of line
Macaw-frey: Love is in the air
Macaw-frey: Howler monkey
Macaw-frey: Red-legged Honeycreeper
Macaw-frey: Take time to eat the flowers
Macaw-frey: Stellar's Jay
Macaw-frey: We all know squirrels like nuts, but COCOnuts?
Macaw-frey: What I did on my summer vacation ...
Macaw-frey: (Not so) Red Fox
Macaw-frey: Have you ever seen Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds"?
Macaw-frey: Pelican
Macaw-frey: Sooty Robin
Macaw-frey: White-throated Mountain Gem
Macaw-frey: Flame-colored Tanager
Macaw-frey: Ruddy Ground-Dove
Macaw-frey: Bald Eagles!
Macaw-frey: Semipalmated Plover
Macaw-frey: Green Honeycreeper