macaStat: wisconsin football
macaStat: alluding an entire team
macaStat: 420th Touchdown
macaStat: first touchdown
macaStat: Favre's 420!
macaStat: cheesehead
macaStat: Packer Rules
macaStat: Shades of Lambeau
macaStat: drive home after the game
macaStat: follow through
macaStat: first back side slant
macaStat: reading the defence
macaStat: passionately protected
macaStat: touchdown f
macaStat: wave Packers flag
macaStat: pain with every yard
macaStat: farvre down the barrel
macaStat: fans
macaStat: OT Win!
macaStat: Drive
macaStat: packers oh packers
macaStat: Bears Fan at Lambeau
macaStat: deer cheese