Macabrekitty: D.J. Dash in the house!
Macabrekitty: Seriously folks! This place is in the Boones!
Macabrekitty: 219/366 Leo: "I thought you were supposed to drink lemonade in the summer, not orange juice."
Macabrekitty: Dash: "Heck yeah this is the life!"
Macabrekitty: 215/366 Rainbow Envy
Macabrekitty: The Blythe family plus Icy and Blyh
Macabrekitty: I realized only after yanking them all from the shelf what a terrible idea this was. But here it is, minus petites and copycats. The Blythe family.
Macabrekitty: Dash: "Today is my birthday." Nessa: "Yay......" Happy birthday Dash!
Macabrekitty: Dash's hair
Macabrekitty: The rainbow girls Aes D
Macabrekitty: 2017-08-03_06-59-09
Macabrekitty: 2017-08-03_07-00-46
Macabrekitty: 2017-08-03_07-02-02
Macabrekitty: Dash got her birthday gift a day late but she doesn't mind.
Macabrekitty: Omg...